Academic Programme

Our Curriculum

In our quest to prepare our students for present realities and future challenges, the school has come up with a robust and comprehensive curriculum that is in line with the new UBE 9-3-4 Curriculum of the National Policy on Education. To fully implement this policy without compromising our standard, we are laying a lifelong learning as a basis for scientific and reflective learning. The school curriculum is basically targeted at meeting the needs of our students by supporting them to make credible and informed career decisions and choices. In addition, all aspects of STEM and the humanities are adequately covered to prepare the students for their future career in all fields of human endeavour. Our curriculum is divided into two arms, one arm is the Junior School and the other arm is the High School.

The Junior Curriculum Is Centered On The Following Areas:


The languages are core curriculum subjects in the school. The language department is designed to inculcate literacy in the students. Literacy skills that have to do with reading, writing, speaking , diction and phonetics are being developed in all the students. The languages in this department are:

  • English Language
  • German Language
  • French Language

An indigenous Nigerian language which is; Hausa is also taught. We place a high premium on developing communication skills using the aforementioned languages to enrich our students experience and proficiency.


Mathematics is also a core curriculum subject in the school. Essentially, our methods in developing numerical skills in the children are targeted at critical thinking and problem solving skills. Our “hands or” approach helps to make maths fun to understand basic numeracy literacy skills. The students at this level learn basic skills in algebra and word problems in solving simple daily arithmetic.

The Other Subjects Offered At The Middle School Include:

Basic Science and Technology:

This new subject covers themes from Basic Technology, Basic Science, Computer Science, Computer programming and Robotics and Physical Health Education.

Prevocational Studies:

This also covers themes from Home Economics and Agricultural Science.

National Values:

This has themes from Social Studies, Civic Education and Security Education.

Cultural and Creative Art:

The school promotes the appreciation of art in our students. This helps to develop their appreciation of nature and beauty. It also develops the creativity of our students which has a long -term effect on their perspective of life.

High School Curriculum

The following subjects are offered in the high school

SS1 -3 (Science) SS1-3 (Social Science)
English Language English Language
Mathematics Mathematics
Fishery Fishery
Civic Education Economics
Chemistry Government
Physics Biology
Biology CRS
CRS English English Agric Science
Agric Science Geography
Geography Civic Education
Computer Programming Computer Programming

Christian Religious Studies

We do not only teach religious knowledge as a subject but as a way of life. The life-style of our students has to reflect that of Christ. That is why all our Christian activities are tailored to prepare our students for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and living a Christ like life. To promote the practical essence of our curriculum in Bible knowledge, the following activities are incorporated as a way of life in the school.

  • Daily general devotion.
  • Termly Prayer/Fasting Retreat
  • Bible studies with the Navigators Nigeria
  • General fellowships on the following days: Tuesday , Thursday, Friday and Sunday.
  • Once a month Praise Night.
  • Monthly Bible studies focus.